Thomas Miller's view of Plough Monday in 1849.
Thomas Miller's view of Plough Monday
published in 1849. More >>
By mutual agreement, the 'Nottinghamshire List of Folk Plays & Related Customs' has been moved from the TDRG's Folk Play Research website ( to the Master Mummers website. It had been hosted on the TDRG's site since its inception in 1999, but when it was revamped in February 2018 and changed its focus, we decided it would be best to move the Notts List here. Links to old Notts web pages will be automatically redirected to the equivalent new pages.



I have taken the opportunity of the move to revamp the Notts List too, and to start updating it, something that has not been possible for ten years.

Much will look familiar, apart from the Master Mummers branding. However, the location indexes have been restructured. They now list place names along with a tally of the number of relevant records. These then link to a page per place, in which all the relevant full data is displayed. This should be much more convenient.

The section's home page links to additional indexes for personal names (not just authors, but also performers, informants, etc.), journal titles, subjects, years and holdings (i.e. libraries & archives, and the records they hold). The extra indexes may seem unnecessary in these days of internet searching, but they may prove better for finding, for instance, all the various spellings of the characters Beelzebub and Eezum Squeezum.

The list's local menu also has a direct link the interactive Google Map in the 'Folk Play Atlas' of all the listed locations. Markers link to relevant records in the list.


Updating of the list contents has started and is an ongoing process. Archive details are being updated, errors corrected, and links to online full texts added, as well as records for newly discovered sources.

Any feedback on the revamped list will be much appreciated.

Peter Millington