J.P.B. (1893)


J. P. B. (Auth.)
*LOCAL NOTES AND QUERIES: ENGLISH FOLK DRAMA [Plough Monday play from Wiverton Hall, Notts.]
*Nottinghamshire Guardian, 22nd Jul.1893

An extensive quotation from T.F.Ordish (1893), concerning the Plough Monday play performed at Wiverton Hall, Notts., communicated to Ordish by Mrs. Chaworth-Musters, and published by her in 1890. Characters mentioned are; Hopper Joe, Beelzebub, a sergeant, a young lady, an old woman and the doctor. There an extensive discussion the costumes, one of which had been acquired for the Folklore Society.

[The author is probably John Potter Briscoe.]

Index Terms:

Locations: Wiverton Hall, Notts. (SK7136)
Years: *Publ. 1893
Subjects: *Play; Plough Trailing; Plough Monday; Ordish,T.F. (1893); Chaworth-Musters (1890); Costumes; Exhibit; Hopper Joe; Beelzebub; Sergeant; Young Lady; Old Woman; Doctor
People: John Potter Briscoe (Auth.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00013;
Local Notes & Queries Scrapbook, Vol.8, p.138;;
Sheppard Scrapbook, p.64

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Apr 1987 by Idwal Jones.