R.Hazlewood (1896)


R. Hazlewood (Auth.)
*Nottinghamshire Guardian, 14th Nov.1896

"In my early days plough-boysism as at its zenith. Then Leicester was visited with very many sets from the villages adjacent. Each set consisted of about six or eight in numbers. One was attired in female costume, and carried a larege woodedn ladle, and was called 'Poll with the ladle,' intimating that she was the one that served the plough boys with broth, milk, &c, that made them so healthy and strong. Another was called the 'Rag Man,' and was attired in trousers and jacket, with small pieces of coloured cloth similar to hearth rugs we see in the present day. He had on his head a hairy cap, carried in his hand a bullock's horn, which he frequently blew - his face was raddled and a small bell attached to his trousers behind. All the others wore clean white shirts over their clothing, decorated with a profusion of many ribbons of various colours. Their hats were similarly decorated, which gave them a very pleasing appearance. In proceeding along the streets they accosted all they came in contact with, and asked for money in the most urgent manner. They ran after the girls in the streets. Persons locked their doors to keep them out of their houses, for if they once got in they would not go out without receiving something. Plough-boying in Leicester has disapppeared. One reason for this is that stocking-makers and other others dressed themselves up as plough boys and came to Leicester, but the people got aware of it, and would not encourage deception. Now it rarely occurs that there is seen any plough boys in Leicester. - R.Hazlewood, Leicester."

Index Terms:

Locations: Leicester, Leics. (SK5904)
Years: Publ. 1896
Subjects: House Visiting; Plough Boys; Poll with the Ladle; Rag Man; Plough-boyism; Plough-boying; Costumes
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00058;
Local Notes & Queries Scrapbook, Vol.9, p.116

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Jul 2004 by Idwal Jones.