G.Richardson (1925b)


George Richardson (Auth.)
LOCAL NOTES AND QUERIES: Old Lincolnshire "Plough Boys" [Play]
*Nottinghamshire Guardian, 23rd Jan.1925

The concluding part of the play text in G.Richardson (1925a). It also mentions a Fool Plough being dragged around by Plough Bullocks and a collection being taken by Bessy in some parts of the Midlands. Another woodcut is reproduced.

Index Terms:

Locations: Lincs.; Midlands
Years: Publ. 1925
Subjects: Plough Trailing; Plough Lights; Play; Plough Monday; Plough Bullocks; Plough Boys; Fool Plough; Bessy; Woodcut
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00233;
Local Notes & Queries Scrapbook, 1922-1926, p.126

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 1990 by Idwal Jones.