O.P.Scott (1960/61)


Oswald. P. Scott (Auth.)
Memories of a Villager: CROPWELL BUTLER [include Plough Monday]
Nottinghamshire Countryside, 1960/1961, Vol.21, No.4, pp.20-23

This article won second prize in the essay competition "Memories of a Villager" organised by the Notts. Local History Council

He recalls village life in the 1890s, and mentions the local customs of tinpanning, Plough Monday and Valentine's Day. Regarding Plough Monday he states; "...Plough Monday we lads spent a week going round the farms doing charades - Tom the Fool, the Soldier, the Lady Dame Jane, Beelzebub and the Doctor. I can still remember every word. The farmers supplied us with beef and ale, and after we had finished the village we spent a whole night at Wyverton Hall, four miles away and residence of the Chaworth Musters family, entertaining the ladies and gentlemen who had come down for the hunting season. More ale and cheese and seven shillings and sixpence each, which, in those days, were riches."

Index Terms:

Locations: Cropwell Butler, Notts. (SK6837); Wyverton Hall, Notts. (SK7136)
Years: Perf. 1890s; Publ. 1960/1961
Subjects: Play; Plough Monday; Tinpanning; Plough Monday; Valentine's Day; Tom the Fool; Soldier; Lady; Dame Jane; Beelzebub; Doctor
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00235

Last Updated Oct 1987 by Peter Millington.