Worksop Guardian (1924)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
PLOUGH MONDAY: ONCE UPON A TIME IN NOTTS. [Plays in Worksop and North Notts.]
Worksop Guardian, 11th Jan. 1924, p.9 a-b

General blurb and extracts from plays, mentioning two casts (1) Worksop, Notts., with St. George, Slasher, Beelzebub, Devil Doubt and the Fool [also Doctor], and (2) an unlocated version [North Notts.] with St. George, Doctor, Herald and the Hero.

Index Terms:

Locations: Worksop, Notts. (SK5879); North Nottinghamshire, Notts.
Years: Publ. 1924
Subjects: Play; St. George; Slasher; Beelzebub; Devil Doubt; Fool; Doctor; Herald; Hero; Plough Monday; Plough Trailing; Plough Lights; Malicious Ploughing; Plough Stots; "St. George"
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00258;
Notts. County Library, Local Studies Section, Folklore Box

Last Updated Apr 1985 by Peter Millington.