L.Hanna (1981)


Lynn Hanna (Auth.)
*Owd Oss Mummers
*Nottingham News, 16th Jan. 1981

Report of the Plough Monday tour of Nottingham's Owd Oss Mummers around Gunthorpe and East Bridgford. There are two photos. One shows Tom Fool arguing with Dame Jane over the baby, and the other show the Doctor restoring Dame Jane to life. Other characters were; Ribboner, Recruiting Sergeant, Lady Bright and Gay, and Beelzebub. The article also recounts some of the groups research activities, and anecdotes of their performances.

Index Terms:

Locations: Nottingham, Notts. (SK5739); Gunthorpe, Notts. (SK6844); East Bridgford, Notts. (SK6943)
Years: Perf. 1981
Subjects: Owd Oss Mummers; Play; Photos; Plough Monday; Itinerary; Tom Fool; Dame Jane; Doctor; Ribboner; Recruiting Sergeant; Lady Bright and Gay; Beelzebub; Anecdotes
People: Dave Williams (Perf.); John Palmer (Perf.); Phil Barber (Perf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00315;
Notts. County Library, Local Studies Section, Folklore Box, L39.9

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 1992 by Peter Millington.