Nottinghamshire Archives Collection (1968, D.D.Woodgate)


Rev. D. D. Woodgate (Col.)
[Plough Monday Play from Bothamsall, Notts.]
Nottinghamshire Archives Collection, Deposited 9th May 1968, Ref.PR/6113

Rough manuscript text (191 lines) of a Plough Monday play from Bothamsall, Notts., performed sometime during the 20th Century. The characters are; an introducer, Tom Fool/Bald Tom/Tommy Long, Recruiting Sergeant, Farmer's Man, Lady Bright and Gay, Old Dame Jane/Turkey Turk, Beelzebub/Belzy and Doctor. No line tags are used.

Some of the information comes from the Record Office calendar entry for the manuscript. This is probably the original from which was copied the text in Nottinghamshire Archives Collection (1953, D.D.Woodgate).

Index Terms:

Locations: Bothamsall, Notts. (SK6773)
Years: Perf. 20th Century
Subjects: Full Text; Plough Monday; Play; Introducer; Tom Fool; Bald Tom; Tommy Long; Recruiting Sergeant; Farmer's Man; Lady Bright and Gay; Old Dame Jane; Turkey Turk; Beelzebub; Belzy; Doctor
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00399

Last Updated Nov 1987 by Peter Millington.