I.T.Jones Collection (1982, D.Marcombe)


Mr. D. Marcombe (Inf.)
North Muskham Disturbances: Centre for Local History, Nottingham University
I.T.Jones Collection, Com. 21st Sep 1982, Ref.L2-3

Letter from Dr. Marcombe, Centre for Local History, Department of Adult Education, Nottingham University. He thinks it would be very unusual for a case from North Muskham to be heard by the Archdeacon. If the case was referred from the Southwell court it was most likely to be to a group of High Commisioners sitting within the Archdeaconry. Most of these High Commission records are lost and those that do exist are in the Borthwick Institute, York University. Alternatively it might have gone to the Quarter Sessions if the incident was regarded principally as a breach of the peace rather than an instance for 'moral' correction.

Index Terms:

Locations: North Muskham, Notts. (SK7958)
Years: Com. 1982
Subjects: Court Case; Archdeaconry records
People: Mr. Idwal Tudor Jones (Col.); Mr. David Marcombe (Inf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00571;
I.T.Jones Collection, Ref.L2-3

Last Updated Feb 2005 by Idwal Jones.