Loughborough (SK5319), Leicestershire
Nottingham Guardian (1880)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
Nottingham Guardian,
8th Jan.1880, No.7385, p.3a
"At the Petty Sessions, Loughborough, yesterday Mr. Harvey Parks (?)
stated that the magistrates had received a letter from Mr Jarrett,
clerk to the Local Board, requesting the magistrates to give such
instructions to the public as would put a stop to the disgraceful
exhibitions which had taken place in the town during past years on what
was termed 'Plough Monday'. The bench might not be aware that on that
day gangs of men were permitted to perambulate the town extorting
charity. Some were dressed in female attire, others wore masks and other
disguises, while some appeared in costumes which were indecent and
disgusting. A large proportion of the money received was spent on
intoxicating drinks and the manner of the men towards evening had in the
past become so bold and impudent that they had not only frightened
females and children but had proved a nuisance to passengers in the
street and householders who had sat with locked doors to prevent the
entrance of these men. The Local Board themselves trusted that the
objectionable practices might be put a stop to, and that the police
would receive from the magistrates such instructions as would lead to the
supression of the proceedings. Mr. Harvey Parks (?) said there could be
no doubt that the practices referred to were very objectionable and the
bench would give instruction to the superintendant of police to take such
measures as he thought necessary to put a stop to them. Superintendant
Penberdy (?) intimated that the desire of the board should be attended to."
I.T.Jones Collection (1982, C.Kelly)
Mrs. Caroline Kelly (Inf.)
Loughborough Local Board and Plough Monday: Leicestershire Record Office
I.T.Jones Collection,
Collected 8th Jul. 1982, Ref.L3-2
Letter received from Mrs Caroline Kelly, Assistant Keeper of Archives,
Leicestershire Record Office dated 8/7/82. They do have some Leicestershire Petty Sessions
material at the Record Office but it is too late a date to be relevant to my research.
She believes that no earlier material has survived.
I.T.Jones Collection (1983, I.T.Jones - b)
Mr. Idwal Jones (Col.)
Loughborough Local Board and Plough Monday: Notes
I.T.Jones Collection,
Written 1983, Ref.L3-1
Nottingham Guardian (1880) refers to a meeting of the Petty Sessions, Loughborough
on the 7th January 1880 at which a letter was received from the Local Board asking that
the magistrates give instructions to the police to stop the disgraceful events that take
place in the town on Plough Monday.
Further information about what actually took place on Plough Monday might be obtained
from court records.