Sleaford (TF0645), Lincolnshire
Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1843)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
*Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury,
13th Jan.1843, pp.3c
"At Sleaford Plough-Monday fair there was a tolerable show of beasts,
and those in good condition sold readily at advanced prices; the leaver
sort were not much inquired after, yet several were disposed of, at a
low figure. Incalvers were in some request, but few except inferior ones
were to be seen. Mr. Cooper of Rauceby whose lamentable fire on Sunday
last is noticed on this page, brought into the fair 35 store beasts,
which he was obliged to sell by reason of having no keep for them: they
averaged about 10 l. a head. The Corn Market in general was something
better: a sample or two of white wheat fetched 48s. We have not heard
of any pocket-picking at this fair, but two or three individuals were
attacked at the outskirts of the town. A poor woman of Ruskington, in
going home, was beset by a fellow who exhibited before her a large knife
and attempted to take a basket she was carrying, but luckily a person on
horseback came up at the time, and the villian made off."
Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1845 - b)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
*Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury,
17th Jan.1845, pp.3b
"On Monday last, it being Plough Monday as well as our fair, the
inhabitants were not a little annoyed by a more than ordainary number
of drunken and worthless characters, under the guise of ploughboys
from the neighbouring villages. Two of the fellows went into the house
of a poor old woman named Tindale (whose mother was lying in a helpless,
if not hopeless state), in Northgate, and whilst one held the distressed
creature in conversation, a second stole a bible (a sort of heirloom in
the family), and marched off with it: the thieves have not been discovered."
Lincolnshire Chronicle (1887)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
Lincolnshire Chronicle,
14th Jan.1887, No.3003, pp.7e
"Monday last being Plough Monday, there was a large attendance
in the town, but business was not over brisk, some tradesmen drawing
mournful comparisons between the Plough Monday of 1887, and those of
previous years."
Retford & Gainsborough Times (1892)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
Retford & Gainsborough Times,
15th Jan.1892, No.1134, p.6f
"Notwithstanding the heavy snowfall and the consequent
difficulty of locomotion, this annual fair, held at Sleaford
on Monday, was largely attended, whilst the show of stock was
quite equal to, if not in excess of, previous years. The prices
realised showed a marked improvement upon those of the past few
weeks, though, generally speaking, they were in favour of buyers.
Bullocks made from 13 to 14 pounds, beefers from 14 to 18 pounds
and milch cows from 16 to 22 pounds; of sheep, wethers ranged
from 48s. to 64s., and ewes from 30s. to 48s. Grazing beasts made
fairly good prices. The show of pigs was larger than usual, and
the prices ranged from 5s. 6d. to 6s. 3d. per stone."
* indicates data that not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.