Folk Play Distribution Map: Nottinghamshire Bibliography

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Versions of this map: Interactive Google Map Static Google Map Outline Map
aqua Locations in Nottinghamshire
lime Locations in other counties
  1. Known composite scripts prepared by known authors have been omitted.
  2. Chapbooks, broadsides, and other commercial texts have been omitted.


This map shows all the locations indexed in the Nottinghamshire List of Folk Plays & Related Customs (Millington & Jones, 2000-2018). The vast majority of the locations are places where folk plays and/or Plough Monday customs were observed. There are, however, a number of other customs such as Shrove Tuesday and May Day that are also represented.

In geographical terms, the List covers plays and customs that took place in Nottinghamshire, appeared in publications published in Notts, or were collected by Notts-based researchers. In general, when a source includes both Notts and non-Notts plays, all the locations have been indexed. There are a few additional non-Notts plays arising from the TDRG cooperative indexing scheme on which the list was original based.

The outline map shows the national range of the Bibliography most cleary. However, the zoomed in interactive Google Map better illustrates the distribution within Nottinghamshire and its neighbouring counties.

Please Note: The interactive Google Map may be very slow to load.

Peter Millington


Peter Millington & Idwal Jones (2000-2018) Nottinghamshire List of Folk Plays & Related Customs
Internet URL:, 2000-2018, accessed 24th Jan.2021

This map was generated using the Master Mummers Outline Distribution Mapper.
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© 2009, Peter Millington. (Webmaster: Last updated: 17-Feb-2018