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A Christmas Play, Performed by the Derbyshire Mummers - 1849
Pace, Peace, or Paste Egging [Hulme, 1842]

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Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: A Christmas Play, Performed by the Derbyshire Mummers - 1849

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Vertical axis: Line Nos. for: Pace, Peace, or Paste Egging [Hulme, 1842]
Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: A Christmas Play, Performed by the Derbyshire Mummers - 1849

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Line A Christmas Play, Performed by the Derbyshire Mummers - 1849 Pace, Peace, or Paste Egging [Hulme, 1842]
1. i open the door as i came in open the door and let me in
2. a pinion favour for to win  
3. whether i rise stand or fall  
4. i ll do my duty to please you all i ve got enough to please you all
5. room room brave gallants  
6. room room i intend to shew  
7. see how these pretty actors go  
8. acting well or acting pale 1. i ll act it young i ll act it sage
2. active young and active age
9. and if you can t believe me what i say 1. and if you can t believe what i say
2. and if you don t believe it
3. and if you don t believe what i say
10. step in saint gay and clear a way step in saint george and clear the way
11. here am i saint gay saint gay it is my name  
12. from england s ground i sprung and came  
13. i ll search the nations round and round  
14. if i can but find king george i ll give thousand pound  
15. king george is here he s ready at hand  
16. i ll fetch him in at thy command  
17. and if you can t believe me what i say 1. and if you can t believe what i say
2. and if you don t believe it
3. and if you don t believe what i say
18. step in king george and clear a way step in saint george and clear the way
19. the dew drops from yonder mountains high  
20. i ve been in search of my enemy  
21. and now i ve found him my sword shall end his life  
22. i m afraid l am a stranger  
23. exposed all in danger  
24. two balls from yonder mountain have laid me quite low  
25. enter in that noble soldier bold  
26. before king george does strike me cold  
27. forbear king george a few minutes  
28. look down with pity on him  
29. thou shalt not wrong him  
30. who art thou thou art a bold fellow who art thou
31. a noble soldier bold and slasher is my name i am a soldier stout and brave bold slasher is my name
32. with a sword and buckler by my side i hope to win this game with sword and buckler by my side i hope to win this game
33. and if this game should do me good  
34. i ll draw my sword and draw thy blood and with my skill i can staunch his blood
35. o thou hasher thou slasher how canst thou talk so hot what s that thou sayest do thou not be so hot
36. when there s one in this room thou little think st thou hast got for in this spot thou know st not whom thou s got
37. who will hash thee and slash thee i will hash thee and smash thee as small as flies
38. as i told thee once before  
39. o thou hasher thou slasher how canst thou talk so hot what s that thou sayest do thou not be so hot
40. my hands are made of iron my body s made of steel when my head is made of iron my body girt and steel d
41. my head is made of beaten brass no man can make me feel my legs and arms bold beef and brass i ll be bound no man can make me yield
42. here stands king george  
43. one of the noble deeds of valour  
44. in a close escape have i been kept seven long years in a close confinement i have been kept
45. and out of that into a prison leapt and out of that into a prison leap t
46. many a giant i did subdue many a giant i did subdue
47. when i run the fiery dragon through after i run the dragon through and through
48. twas me who slew the dragon and brought him to the slaughter was it not i who fought the fiery dragon and brought him down to slaughter
49. and won the king of egypt s daughter  
50. get on king george it shall be so  
51. the warmest battle that ever was know  
52. rut a tut tut  
53. here am i doctor so good i am a doctor pure and good
54. and with my hand i clear his blood and with my skill i can staunch his blood
55. i carry him some pill  
56. to cure all diseases take my word just as it pleases  
57. how far bast thou travelled noble doctor how far has t thou travelled
58. the pie place the bread and cheese cupboard from the bedside to the cupboard side and from the cupboard side to the bedside back again
59. any further  
60. o yes through italy pittaly  
61. and all the towns that you can name  
62. now returned to old england again  
63. to heal this man that here lies lame  
64. o i have got a little bottle in my waistcoat pocket called hokum smokum clicampane  
65. fetch any dead man to life again but can thou bring this dead man to life again
66. here jack take a bit of my nip nap here take a sup of my nip nap
67. ram it down hey tip tap and slip it down thy tip tap
68. rise up jack and fight again and now i say rise up bold slasher and fight thy way
69. o how horrible cut horrible the like was never seen  
70. a man frighten d out of seven senses into seventeen to drive me out of my seven senses into seventeen
71. and out of seventeen into seven score and out of seventeen into seven score
72. the like was never seen and never done before the like was never seen or heard before
73. and if you can t believe me what i say 1. and if you can t believe what i say
2. and if you don t believe it
3. and if you don t believe what i say
74. step in black prince and clear away step prince of paradise and clear the way
75. here am i black prince  
76. black prince of paradise black morocco king here come i the prince of paradise that black morrocco king
77. through all those woods and graves i range through i make the earth to ring with crown and glory on my head i ll make this globe to ring
78. it was me who slew those seven turks  
79. although king george i do not fear  
80. but from his body to his heart  
81. i ll run my dreadful spear but through her tender heart i run my naked spear
82. i ll jam his giblets full of holes  
83. and in those holes put pebble stones  
84. thou jam my giblets full of holes  
85. and in those holes put pebble stones  
86. although thou art a champion s squire  
87. it does not lie in thy power  
88. let me be a champion s squire or what i will  
89. i ll do my best thou for to kill  
90. get on black prince it shall be so  
91. the sorest battle that ever was know  
92. the clock struck one  
93. and the hour is gone  
94. and this sorest battle must go on  
95. put up those swords and be at rest  
96. peace and quietness is the best  
97. and if you can t believe me what i say 1. and if you can t believe what i say
2. and if you don t believe it
3. and if you don t believe what i say
98. enter in owld beelzebub and clear a way enter in old beelzebub and clear for me the way
99. in comes one that never came yet here comes i who never came yet
100. a big head and little wit with my big head and little wit
101. althoagh my wit it is so small although my wit be ever so small
102. i ve got enough to serve you all i ve got enough to please you all
103. ah ah funny  
104. all these fine things and no money  
105. my name is called owld beelzebub here i come old beelzebub
106. and over my left shoulder i carry a club and over my shoulder i carry my club
107. and in my right hand a small dripping pan 1. and in my hand a dripping pan
2. in my hand a dripping pan
108. so i think myself a jolly old man and i think myself a jolly young man
109. a duck skin hairy budget  
110. tied fast upon my back  
111. a snuff box in my pocket  
112. as large as you may suppose  
113. as large as any owld turnip  
114. all for to view my own nose  
115. with a rink a tink and a sup more drink  
116. and i ll make your old kettle cry sound  
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