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The Christmas Mummers [Yonge's novel] 1858
Christmas Play from Bursledon, Hants. - 1913-1916

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Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: The Christmas Mummers [Yonge's novel] 1858

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Line The Christmas Mummers [Yonge's novel] 1858 Christmas Play from Bursledon, Hants. - 1913-1916
1. i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year  
2. a pantryful of good roast beef and barrels full of beer  
3. room room brave gallants room  
4. i m just come to show you some merry sport and game  
5. to help pass away this cold winter day  
6. old activity new activity  
7. such activity as never was seen before  
8. and perhaps will never be seen no more  
9. here comes i old father christmas welcome or welcome not in comes i poor old father christmas welcome or welcome not
10. i hope old father christmas will never be forgot i hope poor old father christmas will never be forgot
11. all in this room there shall be shown  
12. the dreadfullest battle that ever was known  
13. so walk in saint george with thy free heart  
14. and see whether thou can st claim peace for thine own part  
15. in comes i saint george saint george that man of courage bold in comes i king george that valent man of corage bold
16. with my broad sword and spear i won ten crowns of gold  
17. i fought that fiery dragon and drove him to the slaughter  
18. and by that means i won the king of egypt s daughter and by those weary means i won the king of egypt s daughter
19. here comes i the turkish knight in comes i turkey snipe
20. just come from turkey land to fight just come from these turkey lands all for to fight
21. i ll fight thee saint george saint george thou man of courage bold 1. i ll fight thee king george that valent man of corage bold
2. i heard great talks and wonders of that man of corage bold
22. if thy blood be too hot i ll quickly fetch it cold 1. let their blood be ever so hot i quickly fetch it cold
2. if your blood be ever so hot i will quickly fetch it cold
3. let his blood be ever so hot i ll quickly fetch it cold
23. wo ho my little fellow thou talk st very bold  
24. just like the little turks as i have been told  
25. therefore thou turkish knight  
26. pull out thy sword and fight draw out your sword and fight
27. pull out thy purse and pay pull out your purse and pay
28. i ll have satisfaction ere thou goest away 1. for satisfaction i will have before you go away
2. and that i will have before i go away
29. satisfaction no satisfaction at all 1. no satisfaction will i give nor money will i pay
2. no such money as that you will have of me
30. my head is made with iron my body lined with steel  
31. i ll battle thee to see which on the ground shall fall  
32. oh only behold and see what i have been and done  
33. cut and slain my brother just like the evening sun  
34. i have a little bottle called elecampane i have a little bottle in my pocket what we call elecome pain
35. if the man is alive let him rise and fight again  
36. o pardon me saint george o pardon me i crave oh parden me king george oh parden me i pray
37. o pardon me this once and i will be thy slave oh parden me for ever more and i ll be thy turkey slave
38. i never will pardon a turkish knight  
39. therefore arise and try thy might  
40. saint george saint george what hast thou done  
41. for thou has slain mine only son  
42. is there a doctor to be found oh doctor doctor is there a doctor to be found
43. that can cure this man lies bleeding on the ground 1. can quickly rise my noble son that lies bleeding on the ground
2. that can quickly rise your noble son that lies bleeding on the ground
44. o yes there is a doctor to be found oh yes there is a doctor to be found
45. that can cure this man lies bleeding on the ground 1. can quickly rise my noble son that lies bleeding on the ground
2. that can quickly rise your noble son that lies bleeding on the ground
46. doctor doctor what is thy fee what is your fees mr doctor
47. ten guineas is my fee but ten pounds i ll take of thee ten guineas is my fees but full and fifty i will have of thee being a poor man
48. take it doctor but what can st thou cure well doctor what can you cure
49. i can cure the ague palsy and the gout whitch will cure the itch stich pausy and the gout
50. and that s a roving pain that goes within and out raging pains both in and out
51. a broken leg or arm i soon can cure the pain  
52. and if thou break st thy neck i ll stoutly set it again are leg broke are arm broke nect broke
53. bring me an old woman of four score years and ten  
54. without a tooth in her head  
55. i ll bring her young and plump again  
56. thou be st a noble doctor if that s all true thou be st talking about  
57. i m not like these little mountebank doctors  
58. that go about the streets and say this and that and the other  
59. and tell you as many lies in one half hour as you would find true in seven years  
60. but what i does i does clean before your eyes  
61. and ladies and gentlemen if you won t believe your own eyes it is a very hard case  
62. tis doctor  
63. i carry a little bottle by my side that i call golden foster drops  
64. on drop to the root of this man s tongue and another on his crown i drop one drop on his head and one on his heart
65. and it will strike the heat throughout the body and raise him off the ground  
66. arise arise thou cowardly dog and see how uprightly thou canst stand go home into your own country 1. oh you turkey snipe go home to your own lands to fight
2. oh turkey snipe go home to your own lands an fight
67. and tell them what old england has done for you 1. and tell the americans what i have done
2. and tell all what i done
68. and how they ll fight the thousand better men than you 1. i ve killed ten thousand to your one
2. i have killed ten thousand to your one
69. here comes i little johnny jack in comes i little johnne jack
70. wife and family at my back with the wife and family at my back
71. my family s large though i am small  
72. and so a little helps us all  
73. roast beef plum pudding strong beer and mince pies roast beef and plum pudding and christmas pie
74. who loves that better than father christmas and i who likes that better than old father christmas and i i i i i i i i
75. one mug of christmas ale sir will make us merry and sing a pot of your good ale would make us whisel and sing
76. some money in our pockets will be a very fine thing money in christmas box is a very fine thing
77. so ladies and gentlemen all at your ease when i sets i sets at ease
78. give the christmas boys just what you please ladys and gentlemen give the christmass boys what you please
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