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Bold Robin Hood : Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxon. - 1913-1916
Mummers' Play from Kirtlingon[?] - 1815-1816

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Vertical axis: Line Nos. for: Mummers' Play from Kirtlingon[?] - 1815-1816
Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Bold Robin Hood : Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxon. - 1913-1916

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Vertical axis: Line Nos. for: Mummers' Play from Kirtlingon[?] - 1815-1816
Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Bold Robin Hood : Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxon. - 1913-1916

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Line Bold Robin Hood : Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxon. - 1913-1916 Mummers' Play from Kirtlingon[?] - 1815-1816
1. how dirty your house is mrs  
2. let me sweep it up so decent and so clean  
3. all on this merry christmas time now this merry christmas time
4. for i have a tanner a coming in  
5. and room he must have  
6. i am a tanner of noting hand  
7. long time i ve wrote my name bold rauthra band  
8. i with my long hook spike staff  
9. so well i clear my way  
10. by two or by three i made them to flee  
11. for i give them no leave for to stay  
12. as i was going across mesher wood  
13. were the red deer which run there and here  
14. there i spied bold robin hood  
15. as soon as bold robin hood he did me spy  
16. some sport he thought for to make  
17. and thus out of hand he bid me to stand  
18. and thus unto he did speak  
19. who art thou then bold fellow  
20. that reigns so boldly here  
21. by theself in the breath the looks like a thief  
22. come to steal our queen s deer  
23. thee bist not the keeper of this forest  
24. nor yet under any command  
25. thee must have more protectors in store  
26. before the before the canst bid me to stand  
27. no more protectors in store  
28. no more have i any need  
29. for i have a staff and another old craft  
30. sure to do the deed  
31. speak clearly bold fellow  
32. give better terms unto me  
33. neither will i for thy neglect  
34. i ll make the more manly  
35. by thee staff and the bow i care not a straw  
36. nor all the bow arrows to boot  
37. if thou get a knock all on the brow stock  
38. thou must just as well run as to shoot  
39. lets measure staffs bold fellow  
40. my staffs eight foot and a half knock down a calf  
41. i ll worn he ll knock down thee  
42. who s that coming over yonder hill  
43. little john bold robin hood to fight the for thy fill  
44. what s the matter master  
45. pray unto me tell  
46. i see thee stand with thee staff in thee hand  
47. i fear its all not well  
48. this tanner he stands he makes me to stand  
49. he s the tanner hood that stands by my side  
50. he s a bonny blade in his masters trade  
51. so well he a tanned me hide  
52. the must be condemned bold fellow  
53. if thou so feat to do  
54. if the lookst so stout thee and i ll have a bout  
55. and thee shalt tan my hide too  
56. five pounds for a good doctor  
57. ten pounds for a good doctor if he was but here five pounds i d freely give if that noble doctor were but here
58. doctor quick saddle thee horse and brush away doctor doctor haste away
59. hold my horse jack  
60. i got him fast by the tail  
61. he come i old doctor good a doctor and a doctor good
62. must i command thee bold robin hood  
63. were cost thee come from where com st thou from
64. from ome  
65. what canst thee do and what canst thou do
66. cure a jackdaw with the tooth ache cure a magpie with the toothache
67. how cost do that and how canst do that
68. but his yud off and throw his body in the ditch by cutting off his head and throwing his body in a ditch
69. any body could do that  
70. i got a box of pills to cure all ills  
71. i cured old jig me joles wife  
72. with the roomatis in neran of her elbows  
73. swelled up as big as the stom a to bacco pipes  
74. she died poor old souled that was nt my fault  
75. i can cure the itch the stitch the palsy and the ghout the hitch the stitch the ston the palsy and the gout
76. pains within pains without the pains within and the pains without
77. and all the rantantorious boxes the molygrubs the polygrubs and those little rantantorius diseases
78. i can cure this man if he s not quite dead i can cure this man if he not dead
79. if he ll rise up and take one of my pills if she can only manage to crack one of my little pills
80. so little john rise up thy head so pray me honest friend rise up thine head
81. i travelled through england through scotland and france  
82. know me little john lets have a english dance  
83. green sleeve and yellow lace  
84. four monkeys dance apace  
85. know here come i old beelzebub here comes i old beelzebub
86. on me i cars me club on my shoulder i carries my club
87. in me hand dripping pan in my hand a drinking can
88. don t he think i m a jolly old man don t you think me a jolly old man
89. last christmas day i turned the spit  
90. i burned me finger i feels it hit  
91. the pot lid buat the ladel aye  
92. aye says the grid iron cant you to agree  
93. i m the justice bring hum to me  
94. in comes the fryin pan with his long tail  
95. and swer s if the cant agree i ll send hum all to jail  
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