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Pace-Egging from Ambleside (Westmorland) 1930
Rudheath (Cheshire) Souling Play [1949]

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Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Pace-Egging from Ambleside (Westmorland) 1930

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Vertical axis: Line Nos. for: Rudheath (Cheshire) Souling Play [1949]
Horizontal axis: Line Nos. for: Pace-Egging from Ambleside (Westmorland) 1930

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Line Pace-Egging from Ambleside (Westmorland) 1930 Rudheath (Cheshire) Souling Play [1949]
1. here s two or three jolly lads all in a row we are one two three good hearty lads and we re all in one mind
2. we ve come a pace egging we hope you ll provide  
3. we hope you ll provide with your eggs and strong beer i hope you ll provide with your money and strong beer
4. we ll come no more near you until the next year  
5. fol de riddle day fol de rol  
6. fol de riddle dol dee  
7. the first that comes in is lord nelson you see so the next that steps up is lord nelson you see
8. a bunch of blue ribbons tied on to his knee with a bunch of blue ribbons right down to his knees
9. the stars on his breast like diamonds do shine he s a star on his forehead like silver doth shine
10. and he hopes you ll remember it s pace egging time  
11. the next that comes in is old toss pot you see  
12. the finest old fellow in every degree  
13. with a hump on his back and wears a pig tail  
14. and all his delight is in drinking cold ale and all that he delights in is drinking strong ale is drinking strong ale
15. the next that comes in is old molly brown bags  
16. with plenty of money she s dressed in old rags  
17. she s copper she s silver and gold in much store  
18. and she comes a pace egging an hopes to get more  
19. in steps i the black morocco king  
20. sword and buckler by my side and through this world i ring  
21. brave boys as you may know  
22. this i ve just come from africa  
23. africa is my dwelling place  
24. and i will fight thee face to face  
25. how canst thou fight me face to face how canst thou pierce my body full of holes
26. when my head is made of iron my body of steel when my head is cased in iron my breast in steel
27. my knees and joints of knickle bone i challenge thee on this field my toes and fingers of knuckle bone i challenge thee to yield
28. o george o george thou has killed my only son  
29. send for a five pound doctor five if he is a good one
30. how was it you became a doctor  
31. by my travels  
32. haw far have you travelled  
33. out of scotland into spain  
34. three times round the world and back again  
35. where i ate so much fat that i became thin and rusty  
36. i wasn t talking about fat  
37. neither was i about lean  
38. well what were you talking about  
39. what i can cure  
40. what can you cure  
41. if there s nineteen devils in that man i can take twenty out a man having nineteen devils in his body it is bound to knock twenty out
42. do so  
43. here george take a pill  
44. mind it doesn t choke you as it it s going down  
45. ladies and gentlemen sit by the fire  
46. put your hand in your pockets it is all we desire  
47. put your hand in your pockets and pull out your purse  
48. and give us a trifle you ll not be much worse  
49. fol de riddle day fol de rol  
50. fol de riddle dol dee  
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