Folk Play Events - Notification - Who

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Master Home >> Folk Play Events >> Notification >> Who
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Add your events in four easy steps:

1. Who- Pick your group's name from the Master Mummers Directory, or enter a new name.
2. When- Enter the date(s) you are performing, and/or amend existing dates.
3. Where- List the venues where you will be performing, and/or amend an existing tour.
4. Save- Preview your completed entries, and commit them to the database.

*Group Name:

Select an Existing Name:
  (Tip: Type the first letter of the name for that part of the list)
OR    Keyword Search:
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Who are you?: - Information for Master Mummers only - Not for public display.

*Name: Current details for contact today.
  Use these details as the public contact for events.
  Please: include me in omit me from   the MM Email List
* Required information. We must be able to contact your email address today to validate your submission
Unless you checked the box, these contact details will not be displayed or passed to third parties without your permission.
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© 2008-2012, Peter Millington ( Rev. 25-May-2018