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Yateley Mummers (Yateley Village Mummers) [Website]


Folk Play-acting Sub-Group

Home Town:

Yateley, Grid Ref.: SU8161, Lat.& Long.: 51.3462, -0.8297


The Mummers perform Boxing Day, New Year's Day, 12th Night, St. George's day and Trafalgar Day. Yateley MM dance in the Cotswold tradition.




Forthcoming: None registered


Past events:


GMap 01-Jan-2011

1. - 12:30

The Cricketers, The Green, Hartley Wintney, Hampshire, RG27 8QB, England


Other past years: 2002 (1), 2003 (4), 2004 (3), 2005 (2), 2006 (1), 2009 (1), 2010 (2), 2018 (1)

Media Links:

1. Yateley Mummers on Boxing Day 2004 at Finchampstead, Berks. & Yateley, Hants., England - Validated link
Folk Play Research - Photo(s) [5 images], 26-Dec-2004
2. The Yateley Mummers' 2004 Twelfth Night tour of villages in Hampshire, England - Validated link
Folk Play Research - Photo(s) [3 images], Alan Green, 06-Jan-2004
3. Yateley Mummers performance at Hartley Whitney, Hampshire, England on Boxing Day 2003 - Validated link
Folk Play Research - Photo(s) [2 images], Naomi Mott, 26-Dec-2003


Mike Musgrove, Publicity Officer (

Part of:

Yateley Morris Men


Text based on that performed in early 1900s at Bramshill House. Modern add-libs sneak into the text.Text also adapted to include Dragon for St.George's day (April)and various captains & Bonaparte for Trafalgar Day in October.

Update: Directory entry / Performances / Media Links

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© 2007-2020, Peter Millington ( Last updated: 27-Sep-2024