M.W.Barley Collection (1954b)
Version b |
Actually this is Underwood version as done by boys in the Hole in the Wall, Underwood, Notts. 8/1/54
County Infants' School, Ironville, Nottingham.
December 7th, 1953
Dear Mr. Featherstone,
Mother passed on your letter to me and I've managed to obtain the current script of the "Guysers".
There are many versions of the play and each year it tends to get shorter as the obJect nowadays seems to be "Its your money they're after".
Anyhow I hope the enclosed will be of some value,
Yours sincerely,
(Signed) RACHEL L. KIRK.
Opener in:- I open the door. I enter in. I beg your pardon to begin. Whether we stand, or whether we fall, We'll do us duty to please you all. St. George he was a fighting man As all the tales did tell, He fought a battle long ago And fought it wondrous well. And if you don't believe the words I say, Step in St. George and clear the way.
St. GEORGE:- I am St. George of old England's bold, I won ten thousand pounds in gold. I followed a fair maiden to a giant#s den, Where confined in her dungeon, awaiting her fate, The giant tried to strike me dead, But with valour, I cut off his head. Two more lines --> I've tracelled this world roudn & round But a man of my equal I've never found
JACK SLASHER:- I am a galiant soldier. Slasher is my name, With sword and buckle by my side All men do fear my name.
St. GEORGE:- Stand back Slasher and let no more be said, For if I draw my glittering sword, I'm sure to cut off thy head.
JACK SLASHER:- Cut off my head? My head is made of iron, My body is made of steel, My arms and legs of knuckle bone, No man can make me feel.
St. GEORGE:- Can't I make thee feel?
JACK SLASHER:- No, not thee!
(Slasher is wounded and falls.)
Enter Tom Slasher
TOM SLASHER:- Oh George! Oh George! What hast t'a done? Tha's gone an' killed me only son. Send for a doctor. £10 for a doctor,
DOCTOR:- I am Doctor Brown, The finest doctor in the town.
TON SLASHER:- What can t'a cure?
DOCTOR:- Th'hitch, stitch, rheumatics and gout, If a man's got 9 devils in I can fetch 10 out. To more lines. -> As I was walking down the street one day a woman fell down and make her stocking bleed; If I cured her I could cure thee.
TOM SLASHER:- Where's t'a bin?
DOCTOR:- I've bin to Italy, Sicily, France and Spain, But I've come back to England for practice again.
TOM SLASHER:- What's thy fee?
DOCTOR:- £5, but bein' as I know thee I'll charge thee ten.
Tom Slasher Then attend to m son
(To Jack Slasher) Here, Jack. Take a drink out of this bottle, And let it run down thy throttle, And when thou feelest no more pain, Arise and fight St. George again.
Fight is resumed but Slasher falls again.
JACK SLASHER:- Ouch! My back, my back.
DOCTOR:- What's a matter wi' thy back?
JACK SLASHER:- My back is wounded, My heart is confounded, I shall never fight St. George again.
BELZEBUB:- I am old Belzebub. Over my shoulder I carry a club. In my hand a drippin' pan, Don't you think I'm a jolly old man? Don't you think I've got any sense? Well, if you don't, I do, So put your hand in your pocket an' give me a few pence.
DEVILDOUBT:- I am little Devildoubt, Wi' me breetches inside-out. Money I want, And for money I crave. If you don't give me any money I'll sweep you all to your grave.
They all sing together "O come all ye faithful." |