S.Race Collection
Main Variant |
This collection of manuscripts and newspaper clippings concerning folk drama is housed in the 'customs and folklore' box in the Local History Department of Nottingham Central Library.
Typescript of a 'Selston' play (in fact correct location is Bagthorpe) collected by Capt. J.P.Scothorne. Also the manuscript for an article (Bibliographic detaiLs given as "Wkly 2/2/46.)
Unlocated fragment of text - the part of Beelzebub (Probably Nottingham.)
Full text of Cropwell Bishop Plough Monday Play,words and tune of 'The Ploughboy' and accompanying: correspoldence from E.R.Granger of Cropwell Bishop, dated 13th & 16th Jan. 1924. Includes some references to Plough Monday activities of Harby and Broughton.
The poets Christmas - a collection of carols, poems and plays for Christmastide, with a plea for village drama. By W.T.STEAD
The Penny Poets Series - No.53.
The Masterpiece Library, Londou, n.d.
Plough Monday : The mummers play : Relic of an old custom : Nottinghamshire versions. By. S.RACE In:- Nottingham Guardian, 7th Jan. 1924, p.3.
The Mummers Play : More light on the origin of Plough Monday Masque. By S.RACE. (No bibiographic details) 12th Jan. 1926.
The Christmas Mumming play. By F. E. HANSFORD in:- The schoolmasters and Woman Teachers Chronicle, 20th Dec. 1928 pp. 1122 - 1123.
For the Christmas Concert : The Mummers Play - ideal for rural schools. By A.J.PARR in:- The Teachers World, 17th Oct. 1934, pp.90, 107 & 109.
Plough Monday and "The Plough Bullocks." BY F.W. BEAZLEY In:- Bulletin - Notts Schools Rural Science Panel, No.19, Dec. 1949, pp.2-9.
Plough Monday - Observances in town and country. (No bibliographic details) 13th Jan. 1947.
Plough Monday and the Mummers play : Nottinghamshire survivals. BY S.RACE (No bibliographic details), 10th Jan. 1947.
There are references and/or notes from the following publications. S.Race was not noted for keeping a record of bibliographic details, so some references are imprecise.
Notes and Queries, 1916.
Gentlemens Magazine, 13th May 1830.
Country Life, 21st Dec. 1945, - Berkshire play.
Hones Everryday Book.
The Peace Egg. Printed by J.Harkness, Church St., Preston
The Sword Dances of Northumberland. By Cecil Sharp.
E.K. Chambers (The Medaeval Stage or The English Folk Play.)
The Mumkers Play. by R.J.E.Tiddy.
T,Radcliffe, (Notes and Queries ?), 14th June, p.515, (1916?) Worhsop, chapbooks, Owd Oss. |