A.H. (1926)
A. H. (Auth.)
PLOUGH BULLOCK NIGHT: A Merry Old Village Custom of Bygone Days
Nottingham Journal,
8th Jan 1926, No.31232, p.4 d-f
Mention of Plough Bullocks in records of the Old Mansfield Society, evidently
meaning A.S.Buxton (1922/23). Also gives the usual general guff about plough
trailing and the ploughing up of doorsteps in Notts., Lincs., and Leics., and
about plough lights, taken from W.Hone (1837) by way of Chaworth-Musters
The full text is reprinted of the play from Cropwell, Notts., published by Mrs.
Chaworth-Musters. This gives the characters as; Tom Fool/Bold Tom/Tommy,
Recruiting Sergeant, Ribboner, Lady, Threshing Blade, Hopper Joe/Sanky-Benny,
Farmer's Man, Dame Jane, Beelzebub and Doctor.
Index Terms:
Locations: |
Cropwell, Notts. (SK6836); Notts.; Lincs.; Leics.
Years: |
Publ. 1926
Subjects: |
Full Text; Play; Plough Lights; Plough Trailing; Malicious Ploughing; Plough Bullocks; Plough Monday; Chaworth-Musters (1890); Hone,W. (1837); Tom Fool; Bold Tom; Tommy; Recruiting Sergeant; Ribboner; Lady; Threshing Blade; Hopper Joe; Sanky-Benny; Farmer's Man; Dame Jane; Beelzebub; Doctor; Buxton,A.S. (1922/23)
Archives: |
TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00055
Last Updated Oct 1987 by Idwal Jones.