Nottingham Journal (1941b)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
"PLOUGH MONDAY" PLAY IN NOTTS: "Journal" Reader's Memories [Halloughton & Maplebeck, Notts.]
Nottingham Journal, 14th Jan.1941, No.35891, p.2 e-f

Full text (53 lines) of a Plough Monday play performed about 1893 in Halloughton and Maplebeck, Notts. The text is presented partially as a narrative, and the reader's letter was prompted by the publication of an earlier article (Nottingham Journal, 1941a). The characters were; two unnamed introducers, Beelzebub, and Doctor. There was a final song.

Index Terms:

Locations: Halloughton, Notts. (SK6851); Maplebeck, Notts. (SK7160)
Years: Publ. 1941; Perf. about 1893
Subjects: Play; Plough Monday; Full Text; Introducer; Beelzebub; Doctor; Song
People: Anon. (Perf.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00130;
Notts. County Library, County Folklore Box

Last Updated Feb 1992 by Idwal Jones.