Newark Advertiser (1990)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
Breaks new ground for Plough Sunday
Newark Advertiser, 12th Jan.1990, Vol.138, No.7206, p.42 a-e

Report of the 1990 Plough Sunday service at Newark Parish Church. The Bishop of Sherwood blessed the plough, which was carried into the church by eleven Young Farmers' Club members. A photo shows the Bishop and Young Farmers with the plough, and the article gives a list of the dignitaries present.

Index Terms:

Locations: Newark, Notts. (SK7953)
Years: Perf. 1990
Subjects: Plough Sunday; Young Farmers' Clubs; Church Service; Photo; Plough Blessing
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00505

Last Updated Mar 1990 by Peter Millington.