Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1859)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
*Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury, 14th Jan.1859, pp.4b

"The rustic fooleries usually tolerated on Plough Monday brought to Stamford on the 11th inst. a large number of agricultural labourers, who with painted faces and tawdry disguises importuned the inhabitants for contributions. One stalwart fellow tried to do "the state some service" by bringing into ridicule the prevelant mania for crinoline. He had borrowed some flowing locks to adorn his cheeks, and had surmounted those with a pimping thing called a bonnet, and his nether limbs were enclosed in what ladies call a "skeleton", that is, a kind of network of steel, whalebone, or some other substance used to puff out gowns. This appandage is said to have caused many who saw his figure to blush; but the extraordinary apparel answered the purpose, as the man obtained many donations. Plough Monday is an English institution, just within the ancient boundary which, as regards some observances becomes more and more effaced. The day is so called because for the first time after Christmas the husbandman formerly resumed his ploughing. Brand's Antiquities describe a Plough Monday performance at Revesby Abbey, the seat of Sir Jos. Banks, Bart, in 1779, the dancing ploughboys being decorated in ribbons, each having a sword."

Index Terms:

Locations: Stamford, Lincs. (TF0207); Revesby, Lincs. (TF3062)
Years: Occurred 1859; Perf. 1779
Subjects: Plough Monday; Brand's Antiquities; Sword
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00718;
Lincoln City Library, Morris Dancers or 'Plough Jacks' File Ref.L394

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Apr 2005 by Idwal Jones.