J.B.Firth (1924)
J. B. Firth (Auth.)
Highways and Byways IN Nottinghamshire [Pocket ed.]
London: Macmillan & Co., Limited., 1924, pp.384-385
Reprint of J.B.Firth (1916). The relevant passage relating to Norwell, Notts., reads;
"...it is worth noting that the custom of mumming at Christmas is still
kept up in the district, or was until a very few years ago."
Index Terms:
Locations: |
Norwell, Notts. (SK7761)
Years: |
Perf. 1916
Subjects: |
Christmas; Mumming
People: |
John Benjamin Firth (Auth.)
Archives: |
TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00044
Last Updated Sep 1987 by Peter Millington.