Nottinghamshire Guardian (1945a)


*[Anon.] (Auth.)
*Local Notes and Queries: A Plough Monday Custom
*Nottinghamshire Guardian, 3rd Feb.1945

Gives quotations from Dr.J.C.Cox (1913) about Plough Monday, and mentioning plough trailing, Plough or Labourers' Lights, Plough Ales, malicious ploughing and the sword-dance. He also talks of a play having been performed at Wiverton Hall, Notts., in 1893, and of the text of the play recently revived at Tollerton, closely following that in Chaworth-Musters (1890).

Mentions that a plough was blessed in Chichester Cathedral that year, and that there was an annual ceremony of blessing the crops at Gringley, Notts.

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: Wiverton Hall, Notts. (SK7136); Tollerton, Notts. (SK6134); Chichester, Sussex (SU8605); Gringley, Notts. (SK7390)
Years: Perf. 1893; Rev. 1940s; Perf. 1945; Publ. 1945
Subjects: Plough Trailing; Plough Lights; Labourers' Lights; Plough Ales; Play; Crop Blessing; Malicious Ploughing; Sword-Dance; Plough Blessing; Plough Monday; Mummers; Plough Boys; Plough Sunday; Cox,J.C. (1913); Chaworth-Musters (1890)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00166;
W.E.Doubleday Scrapbook, Series X, Vol.VI, p.60;;
Local Notes & Queries Scrapbook, 1940-48, p.12.

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Oct 1987 by Idwal Jones.