T.Ratcliffe (1883)


T. Ratcliffe (Auth.)
Retford & Gainsborough Times, 28th Dec.1883, No.713, p.3 c

Article about Christmas customs in Derbyshire including the following sections:

"The lads of the house, with those of the neighbours', have been learning their parts, and getting ready their dresses for the 'Christmas guising' and the house-hold daily talk is full flavoured of Christmas."

"Romping games are the order of the eve, broken only when the 'guisers' - of which there are always several sets - or waits arrive. The guisers are admitted indoors, and go through the several acts of their play. At the conclusion 'Betsy Beelzebub' collects coppers from the company, and glasses of ale and wine are given to the players."

Index Terms:

Locations: Derbys.
Years: Publ. 1883
Subjects: Play; Christmas Eve; Guisers; Betsy Beelzebub
People: Thomas Ratcliffe (Auth.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00203

Last Updated Apr 2005 by Dave Crowther.