British Broadcasting Corporation Collection (1953, Robinson et al)


Mr. Robinson (Inf.); Mrs. Green (Inf.); Mr. Martin (Inf.); Mr. Thurlby (Inf.); Mr. Saundby (Inf.); Mr. Hollingsworth (Inf.); C. H. Aram (Col.); Peter D. Kennedy (Col.)
*[Plough Monday play from Helpringham, Lincs.]
*British Broadcasting Corporation, Sound Archives, 26th Mar.1953, Record Nos. 19033-4

*Sound recording of a Plough Monday play (Morris Dance) from Helpringham, Lincs. as performed by "Morris Men" about 1900. The characters were: Leader, Tom Fool, Recruiting Sergeant, Lady Bright and Gay, Ploughboy/Farmers Man, Bellzebub, and Doctor. The play ended with a broom dance.

Index Terms:

Locations: Helpringham, Lincs. (TF1340)
Years: Perf. about 1900; Recorded 1953
Subjects: Play; Sound Recording; Plough Monday; Morris Dance; Morris Dancers; Leader; Tom Fool; Recruiting Sergeant; Lady Bright and Gay; Ploughboy; Farmers Man; Bellzebub; Doctor; Broom Dance
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00288

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Mar 2005 by Peter Millington.