Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, D.G.Middleton)


Mrs. D. G. Middleton (Auth.)
"Memories of a Villager" [Plough Monday at Dunham-on-Trent, Notts.]
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection, Written 29th Mar.1960, Ref.DD/121/1/24, 15pp.

Entry to an essay competition on old village life at Dunham-on-Trent, Notts. It includes the following (p.12);

"Plough Monday has been revised by the present vicar. The Play for this district was given by members of the Church Council in the Women's Institute Hall on the appropriate day after a very interesting service in the Church when the plough was blessed by the vicar."

Main variant


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Index Terms:

Locations: Dunham-on-Trent, Notts. (SK8174)
Years: Col. 1960
Subjects: Essay; Revival; Plough Monday; Plough Blessing; Play
People: Nottinghamshire Local History Council (Col.)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00410

Last Updated Mar 1992 by Peter Millington.