Nottingham Evening Post (1979 - a)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
Nottingham Evening Post, 8th Jan.1979, No.31253 (Edition 7 East - some versions only), p.1a-e

Photograph of six men in white coats carrying a plough at the head of a procession alongside the following text:

"AN OLD-style plough took a place of honour at a service at Newark Parish Church. This symbol of agriculture is pictured being carried into the church at the head of a civic procession, for the annual Plough Sunday celebration, which was attended by local farmers and councillors. Among those in the procession from the Town Hall were the chairman of the Notts. County Council, Coun. Mrs. Madge Whittaker, Mayor of Newark Coun. Roy Bird, chairman of Newark District Council Coun. John Sides, members of the National Farmers Union and Newark Charter Trustees. Guest preacher at the service was the Archdeacon of Lindsey, Lincs. The Ven. Bill Dudman."

Index Terms:

Locations: Newark, Notts. (SK7953)
Years: Perf. 1979
Subjects: Plough Sunday; Procession; Plough Blessing; Church Service; Photo
People: Coun. Mrs. Madge Whittaker (Attender); Roy Bird (Attender); Coun. John Sides (Attender); Ven. Bill Dudman (Preacher)
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00581

Last Updated Mar 2005 by Idwal Jones.