Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1877 - b)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
*(Market Harboro')
*Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury, 12th Jan.1877, pp.5d

"Plough Monday was not allowed to pass unobserved here. Several companies of ploughboys were early organised and decorated with the usual regalia of ribbons, rags, and ruddle. The gambots of the 'boys' were of the most absurd character, and, as usual, the inhabitants were importuned for pecuniary acknowledgements of the day.

On Monday numbers of men and youths dressed in harlequin costume perambulated the streets of Kibworth, making importunate solicitations for coppers. In the evening a goodly number of the 'craft' held high festival in the Village hall. Their wives and sweethearts having been regaled with tea, dancing was indulged in, and the frolics of the 'boys' were sustained until a late hour."

Note that this article could have been published on 14th Jan 1876

Index Terms:

Locations: Market Harborough, Leics. (SP7387); Kibworth, Leics. (SP6894)
Years: Occurred 1877
Subjects: Plough Monday
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00711;
Lincoln City Library, Morris Dancers or 'Plough Jacks' File Ref.L394

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Feb 2005 by Idwal Jones.