Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1865)


[Anon.] (Auth.)
*Lincoln, Rutland & Stamford Mercury, 13th Jan.1865, pp.4b

"The fooleries practised on Plough-Monday by the young agricultural labourers of the neighbourhood kept the youth of Stamford in a state of excitement throughout last Monday, and many of the tradesmen were subject to considerable annoyance by their importuities. Some of the cacicatures of ladies'fashions were, however, exceedingly laughable. Stalwart fellows with painted faces dressed in shawls, crinolines, little pork-pie hats; frilled, furbelowed, and decked out with flaunting ribbons; paced the streets from noon to misty eve; and many of them departed to their homes "fresh" with drink but anything rather than fresh in their appearance. This custom of begging in disguise and marching about with worn-out besoms seems to increase as the years roll on, instead of diminishing as education progresses."

Index Terms:

Locations: Stamford, Lincs. (TF0207)
Years: Occurred 1865
Subjects: Plough Monday
Archives: TDRG Archive, Ref. TD00716;
Lincoln City Library, Morris Dancers or 'Plough Jacks' File Ref.L394

* indicates data that has not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.

Last Updated Apr 2005 by Idwal Jones.