Langley (SK4446), Derbyshire

P.T.Millington Collection (1972, R.Hodgkinson)

R. Hodgkinson (Inf.)
[Guysersing at Langley, Derbys.]
P.T.Millington Collection, Com. 17th Jan.1972

Letter from Langley, Derbys. concerning the writer's father George Hodgkinson (1879-1969) who often told of bygone Christmases when he went "Guysering". [This would probably have been in the 1890s.] Fragments of text are quoted. The characters included Robin Hood (dressed in Lincoln green, having borrowed his father's regalia from the A.O. of Forresters), St. George and Belzebub. One sentence appears to refer to a chapbook - "I do believe there is a paperback called 'Peace Pie' which gives a lot of information."

Main variant


     A letter sent by Mr. R. Hodgkinson, of The Farm, 166 Breach
Road, Lang1ey,
Heanor, Derbys., postnarked 17/1/1972, to Peter T. Millington.
     N.b. This location is not to be confused with neighbouring
See full transcript...

Variant: a


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Variant: b


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F.Skillington (2004/2005)

Fred Skillington (Auth.)
"Dun Yer Want Guisers"
D.H.Lawrence Society Newsletter, Autumn/Winter 2004/2005, No.75, pp.14-15

Another report of a lecture given to the D.H.Lawrence Society at Eastwood, Notts., on the Christmas Guysers portrayed in the works of D.H.Lawrence and how they compare to the actual local tradition. One reponse states "Don Brown remembered them performing at Langley."