West Halton (SE9020), Lincolnshire
Retford & Gainsborough Times (1887a)
[Anon.] (Auth.)
Retford & Gainsborough Times,
14th Jan.1887, No.872, p.8e
Report of an inquest held at the Butcher's Arms, West Halton.
On 7th January about 14 men went out 'plough jagging' visiting
from house to house. They started from Alkborough at 8 a.m. and
visited Winterton and other villages. The deceased fell heavily
on the back of his head chasing some boys at Winterton. At 6 p.m.,
he laid down in the snow on the way home from Burton Stather to
Alkborough and his companions left him because they thought he was
acting. In fact, he had suffered compression of the brain. He was
not found until the next morning and died in hospital a day later.
All the men had drunk considerable amounts during the day.
M.W.Barley Collection (1936)
Maurice Willmore Barley (Col.)
*Plough Jags' Play, West Halton, Lincs.
*M.W.Barley Collection,
Col. c.1936
*Incomplete text of a Plough Jags' play from West Halton, Lincs.
The characters are: Fool, Soldier/Recruiting Sergeant, Beelzebub,
Hobby Horse, Lady Bright and Fair, Indian King/Slisher Slasher,
Doctor, Jane, Besom Betty, and Gentleman.
M.W.Barley Collection (1937)
*Maurice Willmore Barley (Col.)
PLOUGH JAGS [Play from West Halton, Lincs.]
*M.W.Barley Collection,
Col. 1937, Ref.Ba P 2/34
Text (63 lines) of a Plough Jags play from West Halton, Lincs. The
characters are; Fool, Soldier/Recruiting Sergeant, Beelzebub, Hobby Horse, Lady
Bright and Fair, Indian King/Slisher and Slasher, Doctor, Jane, Besom Betty and
Main variant
W. Halton, Lincs.
The gang included Besom Betty, Doctor, Soldier, Hobby Horse
Gentleman, Fool, Lady, Indian King and Beelzebub.
See full transcript...
I.T.Jones Collection (1983, I.T.Jones - e)
Mr. Idwal Jones (Col.)
Shocking Death of a Plough Jagger in the Snow: Notes
I.T.Jones Collection,
Written 1983, Ref.L6-1
The Retford & Gainsborough Times (1887a) describes an inquest
held at the Butcher's Arms Inn, West Halton on 11/1/1887
into the death of Henry Fowler while out plough jagging. He was
found in the snow next morning on the road between Burton Stather
and Alkborough.
Coroners' inquests for the Kirton district are deposited at the
County Archives at Lincoln Castle but are closed to public inspection
for 100 years after the date of the inquest. The 1881 census for
Alkborough has no record of Henry Fowler or Albert Henry Robinson,
a witness at the inquest. No record could be found in the
Lincolnshire Chronicle in 1887. Write to the Butcher's Arms in
West Halton to see if they know anything of inquests held there.
This research is described in I.T.Jones (1983) - TD00586
I.T.Jones Collection (1983, W.Thompson)
Mr. W. Thompson (Inf.)
Shocking Death of a Plough Jagger in the Snow: Letter from Butcher'sArms
I.T.Jones Collection,
Col. 2nd Jul. 1982, Ref.L6-2
Letter dated 2/7/82 from Mr.W.Thompson, the landlord of the
Butcher's Arms, West Halton. He wrote that the building itself
is over 350 years old and has been a pub for well over 100 years
but he has no knowledge of what occurred prior to 40 years
previously. However he sent a photograph of the West Halton
Plough Jags outside Normanby Post Office dated 1898 which has
19 men in costume. He wrote that Plough Jaggers still go round
every Christmas period, entertaining in the pubs and clubs and
on the saturday they usually give a show in the main shopping
centre in Scunthorpe.
* indicates data that not yet been validated against the original source and/or has yet to be completely indexed.