Caldwell, Alan de (Father) |
D.P.Blatherwick (1936)
Caldwell, David (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
Calvert, John (Perf.) |
E.Bryson (1984)
Nottingham Evening Post (1979 - b))
Camidge, M., Mrs. (Perf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1975, P.Wragg)
Carding, Kate, Mrs. (Auth.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, K.Carding)
Carr, F. W. (Inf.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1962, F.W.Car)
Carrier, James, Mr. (Perf.) |
R.Meynell (1957/58)
R.Scollins & J.Titford (1977)
Carter, Tony (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Cartledge, Robert (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1980b)
Cauldrey, Mick (Col.) |
Nottingham Guardian Journal (1971)
Cauldrey, Titch (Col.) |
Nottingham Guardian Journal (1971)
Cawte, E. C. (Auth.) |
E.C.Cawte (1975)
E.C.Cawte et al (1967)
A.Helm (1981)
Cawte, E. Christopher (Col.) |
E.C.Cawte (1975)
Chalk, Edwin S., Rev. (Auth.) |
E.S.Chalk (1916/1917)
Chambers, Charles (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1976d)
Chambers, E. K. (Auth.) |
E.K.Chambers (1903)
Chambers, Edmund K., Sir (Auth.) |
E.Chambers (1933)
E.Chambers (1969)
Chambers, Edmund, Sir (Auth.) |
E.Chambers (1933)
E.Chambers (1969)
Chambers, Jessie (Auth.) |
S.M.Cooke (1980)
Haggs Farm Preservation Society Newsletter (1993a)
A.M. (1993)
"Chambers, Jessie" (Auth.) |
"J.Chambers" (1907)
"J.Chambers" (1949)
Chappell, Christine (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Chappell, Ian (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
Chaworth-Musters, Caroline Anne (Auth.) |
L.Chaworth-Musters (1892)
Chaworth-Musters (1890)
Chaworth-Musters, Caroline Anne, Mrs. (Auth.) |
"J.Granby" (1960b)
Chaworth-Musters, Caroline Anne, Mrs. (Col.) |
B.Brown & P.Millington (2005)
P.Millington (2002)
Chaworth-Musters, L. (Auth.) |
L.Chaworth-Musters (1892)
Chaworth-Musters, L., Mrs. (Auth.) |
"J.Granby" (1960b)
Chaworth-Musters, Lina (Auth.) |
L.Chaworth-Musters (1892)
Chaworth-Musters (1890)
Chaworth-Musters, Lina, Mrs. (Auth.) |
"J.Granby" (1960b)
Chaworth-Musters, Lina, Mrs. (Col.) |
B.Brown & P.Millington (2005)
P.Millington (2002)
Chaworth-Musters, Mrs. (Auth.) |
Chaworth-Musters (1890)
Chaworth-Musters, Mrs. (Col.) |
T.F.Ordish (1893)
T.F.Ordish Collection (1893, H.Nowell)
Chaworth-Musters, Mrs. (Source) |
E.L.Guilford (1942)
Christian, Garth (Auth.) |
G.Christian (1951a)
G.Christian (1951b)
G.Christian (1954)
Christian, Garth (Col.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1950, G.Christian)
Christian, Garth (Inf.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1953, G.Christian)
Clark, Harry (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1971, H.Clark - b)
Clark, Harry (Perf.) |
Mansfield Chronicle & Advertiser (1980)
Clark, K., Mrs. (Auth.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, K.Clark)
Clark, Miss (Col.) |
D.Howe (1984)
Clark, Mr. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1971, H.Clark)
Clark, Raymond (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1950b)
Nottingham Journal (1950b)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Clark, Raymond, Mr. (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1950a)
Clay, Arthur (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1953)
Clay, Hercules (Benefactor) |
Nottinghamshire Guardian (1899)
Clipsham, Harry (Perf.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1954, W.Gascoyne)
Coady, Simon (Perf.) |
Nottingham Evening Post (1974a)
Cockburn, Ann, Miss (Col.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Cockburn, Anne (Col.) |
A.Cockburn Collection (1972, M.Couldry)
Nottingham Traditional Music Club Collection (1972, A.Cockburn & M.Couldry)
Cockburn, Anne, Miss (Col.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Nottingham Guardian Journal (1971)
Coleman, A. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, A.Coleman - c)
Coleman, Abraham Edward Simpson (Perf.) |
R.W.Storer (1983)
Coleman, Arthur (Auth.) |
A.Coleman (1972)
Coleman, Arthur, Mr. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, A.Coleman - b)
Coleman, Arthur, Mr. (Perf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, A.Coleman - a)
Coleman, Ralph, Mr. (Perf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, R.Coleman)
Coleman, S. Jackson (Auth.) |
S.J.Coleman (no date)
Coleman, S. Jackson, Mr. (Auth.) |
S.J.Coleman (1942)
Coleman, Stanley Jackson (Auth.) |
S.J.Coleman (no date)
Collingwood, Frances (Auth.) |
F.Collingwood (1933)
Collinson, C. B. (Auth.) |
E.L.Guilford Collection (1922, C.B.Collinson)
Collinson, C. B. (Col.) |
E.L.Guilford Collection (1922)
Condon, E., Mr. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1983, E.Condon)
Cook, W., Mrs. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1975, W.Cook)
Cooke, E. M., Mrs. (Intermediary) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, E.M.Cooke - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, E.M.Cooke - b)
Cooke, Sheila M. (Ed.) |
S.M.Cooke (1980)
Coop, Rev. Mr. (Judge) |
B.V.M. (1886)
B.V.M. (1902)
Newark Herald (1902)
Coope, Rosalys (Auth.) |
R.Coope (1991)
Cooper, Alison (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1976c)
Cooper, Audrey, Mrs. (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1976c)
Cooper, Dave (Perf.) |
Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994c)
Cooper, John A. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1972, J.A.Cooper)
Cooper, Ron, Mr. (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1976c)
Corporation of Nottingham (Comp.) |
Corporation of Nottingham (1914)
Corporation of-the City of London (Organisers) |
Nottingham Guardian (1947)
Cossons, Arthur (Auth.) |
A.Cossons (1962)
Cotter, Paul (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (2004a)
Trader Pictorial [Newark] (2004)
Couldry, Michael (Col.) |
A.Cockburn Collection (1972, M.Couldry)
Couldry, Mick (Col.) |
Nottingham Traditional Music Club Collection (1972, A.Cockburn & M.Couldry)
Couldry, Mick, Mr. (Intermediary) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.Couldry)
Couldry, Norman (Col.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1971, N.Couldry & R.Manning)
P.T.Millington Collection (1971, T.Thorpe)
Crampton, George Henry, Mr. (Perf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1881, Census - Messingham)
Cross, John Edward, Rev. (Judge) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1881, T.B.Wright, R.Sutton & J.E.Cross)
Crossland, J. D., Mr. (Inf.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1953, J.D.Crossland & R.Morris)
Crowden, B. D., Mrs. (Col.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1954, Parker)
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1963, B.D.Crowden)
Crowther, Dave (Perf.) |
J.Whitelaw & P.Barber (1980)
Cupitt, Michael (Perf.) |
Nottingham Evening Post (1979 - b))
Cuppit, Mike (Perf.) |
E.Bryson (1984)