Name Index - C

Caldwell, Alan de (Father) D.P.Blatherwick (1936)
Caldwell, David (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
Calvert, John (Perf.) E.Bryson (1984)
Nottingham Evening Post (1979 - b))
Camidge, M., Mrs. (Perf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1975, P.Wragg)
Carding, Kate, Mrs. (Auth.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, K.Carding)
Carr, F. W. (Inf.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1962, F.W.Car)
Carrier, James, Mr. (Perf.) R.Meynell (1957/58)
R.Scollins & J.Titford (1977)
Carter, Tony (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Cartledge, Robert (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1980b)
Cauldrey, Mick (Col.) Nottingham Guardian Journal (1971)
Cauldrey, Titch (Col.) Nottingham Guardian Journal (1971)
Cawte, E. C. (Auth.) E.C.Cawte (1975)
E.C.Cawte et al (1967)
A.Helm (1981)
Cawte, E. Christopher (Col.) E.C.Cawte (1975)
Chalk, Edwin S., Rev. (Auth.) E.S.Chalk (1916/1917)
Chambers, Charles (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1976d)
Chambers, E. K. (Auth.) E.K.Chambers (1903)
Chambers, Edmund K., Sir (Auth.) E.Chambers (1933)
E.Chambers (1969)
Chambers, Edmund, Sir (Auth.) E.Chambers (1933)
E.Chambers (1969)
Chambers, Jessie (Auth.) S.M.Cooke (1980)
Haggs Farm Preservation Society Newsletter (1993a)
A.M. (1993)
"Chambers, Jessie" (Auth.) "J.Chambers" (1907)
"J.Chambers" (1949)
Chappell, Christine (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Chappell, Ian (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
Chaworth-Musters, Caroline Anne (Auth.) L.Chaworth-Musters (1892)
Chaworth-Musters (1890)
Chaworth-Musters, Caroline Anne, Mrs. (Auth.) "J.Granby" (1960b)
Chaworth-Musters, Caroline Anne, Mrs. (Col.) B.Brown & P.Millington (2005)
P.Millington (2002)
Chaworth-Musters, L. (Auth.) L.Chaworth-Musters (1892)
Chaworth-Musters, L., Mrs. (Auth.) "J.Granby" (1960b)
Chaworth-Musters, Lina (Auth.) L.Chaworth-Musters (1892)
Chaworth-Musters (1890)
Chaworth-Musters, Lina, Mrs. (Auth.) "J.Granby" (1960b)
Chaworth-Musters, Lina, Mrs. (Col.) B.Brown & P.Millington (2005)
P.Millington (2002)
Chaworth-Musters, Mrs. (Auth.) Chaworth-Musters (1890)
Chaworth-Musters, Mrs. (Col.) T.F.Ordish (1893)
T.F.Ordish Collection (1893, H.Nowell)
Chaworth-Musters, Mrs. (Source) E.L.Guilford (1942)
Christian, Garth (Auth.) G.Christian (1951a)
G.Christian (1951b)
G.Christian (1954)
Christian, Garth (Col.) M.W.Barley Collection (1950, G.Christian)
Christian, Garth (Inf.) M.W.Barley Collection (1953, G.Christian)
Clark, Harry (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1971, H.Clark - b)
Clark, Harry (Perf.) Mansfield Chronicle & Advertiser (1980)
Clark, K., Mrs. (Auth.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, K.Clark)
Clark, Miss (Col.) D.Howe (1984)
Clark, Mr. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1971, H.Clark)
Clark, Raymond (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1950b)
Nottingham Journal (1950b)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Clark, Raymond, Mr. (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1950a)
Clay, Arthur (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1953)
Clay, Hercules (Benefactor) Nottinghamshire Guardian (1899)
Clipsham, Harry (Perf.) M.W.Barley Collection (1954, W.Gascoyne)
Coady, Simon (Perf.) Nottingham Evening Post (1974a)
Cockburn, Ann, Miss (Col.) I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Cockburn, Anne (Col.) A.Cockburn Collection (1972, M.Couldry)
Nottingham Traditional Music Club Collection (1972, A.Cockburn & M.Couldry)
Cockburn, Anne, Miss (Col.) I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Nottingham Guardian Journal (1971)
Coleman, A. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1973, A.Coleman - c)
Coleman, Abraham Edward Simpson (Perf.) R.W.Storer (1983)
Coleman, Arthur (Auth.) A.Coleman (1972)
Coleman, Arthur, Mr. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1973, A.Coleman - b)
Coleman, Arthur, Mr. (Perf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1973, A.Coleman - a)
Coleman, Ralph, Mr. (Perf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1973, R.Coleman)
Coleman, S. Jackson (Auth.) S.J.Coleman (no date)
Coleman, S. Jackson, Mr. (Auth.) S.J.Coleman (1942)
Coleman, Stanley Jackson (Auth.) S.J.Coleman (no date)
Collingwood, Frances (Auth.) F.Collingwood (1933)
Collinson, C. B. (Auth.) E.L.Guilford Collection (1922, C.B.Collinson)
Collinson, C. B. (Col.) E.L.Guilford Collection (1922)
Condon, E., Mr. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1983, E.Condon)
Cook, W., Mrs. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1975, W.Cook)
Cooke, E. M., Mrs. (Intermediary) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, E.M.Cooke - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, E.M.Cooke - b)
Cooke, Sheila M. (Ed.) S.M.Cooke (1980)
Coop, Rev. Mr. (Judge) B.V.M. (1886)
B.V.M. (1902)
Newark Herald (1902)
Coope, Rosalys (Auth.) R.Coope (1991)
Cooper, Alison (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1976c)
Cooper, Audrey, Mrs. (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1976c)
Cooper, Dave (Perf.) Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994c)
Cooper, John A. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1972, J.A.Cooper)
Cooper, Ron, Mr. (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1976c)
Corporation of Nottingham (Comp.) Corporation of Nottingham (1914)
Corporation of-the City of London (Organisers) Nottingham Guardian (1947)
Cossons, Arthur (Auth.) A.Cossons (1962)
Cotter, Paul (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (2004a)
Trader Pictorial [Newark] (2004)
Couldry, Michael (Col.) A.Cockburn Collection (1972, M.Couldry)
Couldry, Mick (Col.) Nottingham Traditional Music Club Collection (1972, A.Cockburn & M.Couldry)
Couldry, Mick, Mr. (Intermediary) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.Couldry)
Couldry, Norman (Col.) P.T.Millington Collection (1971, N.Couldry & R.Manning)
P.T.Millington Collection (1971, T.Thorpe)
Crampton, George Henry, Mr. (Perf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1881, Census - Messingham)
Cross, John Edward, Rev. (Judge) I.T.Jones Collection (1881, T.B.Wright, R.Sutton & J.E.Cross)
Crossland, J. D., Mr. (Inf.) M.W.Barley Collection (1953, J.D.Crossland & R.Morris)
Crowden, B. D., Mrs. (Col.) M.W.Barley Collection (1954, Parker)
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1963, B.D.Crowden)
Crowther, Dave (Perf.) J.Whitelaw & P.Barber (1980)
Cupitt, Michael (Perf.) Nottingham Evening Post (1979 - b))
Cuppit, Mike (Perf.) E.Bryson (1984)