S., A. (Auth.) |
A.S. (1952)
S., H. J. (Auth.) |
H.J.S. (1937)
Sandys, William (Auth.) |
"Uncle Jan Treenoodle" (1846)
Saucimer, Guy, Sir (Protagonist) |
D.P.Blatherwick (1936)
Saundby, Mr. (Inf.) |
British Broadcasting Corporation Collection (1953, Robinson et al)
Scannell, E. M. S., Miss (Illus.) |
M.H.Mason (1877)
Scannell, Edith Maud Susanna, Miss (Illus.) |
M.H.Mason (1877)
Scollins, Richard (Auth.) |
R.Scollins & J.Titford (1977)
Scothorne, J. P., Capt. (Col.) |
S.Race Collection (1924, J.P.Scothorne)
Scothorne, J. P., Captain (Auth.) |
S.R. (1924)
Scott, Ethel Beatrice, Mrs. (Auth.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, E.B.Scott)
Scott, L., Mrs. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Scott)
Scott, Lilian, Mrs. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Scott)
Scott, Oswald Peter (Perf.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, O.P.Scott)
Scott, Oswald. P. (Auth.) |
O.P.Scott (1960/61)
Scriven, Caroline Mary (Auth.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, C.M.Scriven)
Sentence, Bill (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
Seward, Joe (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1949a)
Sewards, Joe (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1948b)
Nottingham Guardian (1948c)
Nottingham Guardian (1949b)
Nottingham Journal (1948)
Nottingham Journal (1949a)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Sewards, Joseph (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1950b)
Sewards, Joseph, Mr. (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1950a)
Sharp, Arthur (Auth.) |
A.Sharp (1956)
A.Sharp (1929)
A.Sharp (1936)
A.Sharp (1944)
Sharp, Cecil J., Mr. (Auth.) |
C.J.Sharp (1914)
Sharp, Edith, Mrs. (Auth.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, E.Sharp)
Sharpe, Frank (Perf.) |
Mansfield Chronicle & Advertiser (1980)
Sharrard, J. (Inf.) |
P.S.Smith Collection (1967, J.G.Storr & J.Sharrard)
Shaw, Colin, Mr. (Col.) |
Nottingham Guardian Journal (1954)
Shaw, D. A. (Artist) |
Nottinghamshire Federation of Women's Institutes (1989)
Shepherd, Marjorie, Miss (Col.) |
English Folk Dance & Song Society Collection (1950, M.Shepherd)
Shields, E., Mr. (Perf.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1950, L.Butler - a)
Shipside, Tom (Auth.) |
T.Shipside (1956)
Shipside, Tom (Blacksmith) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, C.Dowty - b)
Shipsides, J. H., Mr. (Perf.) |
Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1962, J.H.Shipsides)
Sides, John, Coun. (Attender) |
Nottingham Evening Post (1979 - a)
Simcox, Simon (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (2004a)
Trader Pictorial [Newark] (2004)
Simons, Clifford (Inf.) |
A.E.Green Collection (1966, C.Simons)
Simpson, Jaqueline (Auth.) |
J.Simpson (1981)
Simpson, Keith (Perf.) |
Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1993a)
Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1994a)
Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994a)
Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994b)
M.W.Holmes (1993)
P.T.Millington Collection (1972, K.Simpson)
Simpson, Keith, Mr. (Perf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1971, M.Fox)
Simpson, L., Miss (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - b)
Simpson, L., Miss (Intermediary) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale & L.Simpson)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - b)
Sisson, M. E. (Auth.) |
M.E.Sisson (1994)
Sisson, M. E., Miss (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1972, M.E.Sisson)
Sisson, Sonny (Perf.) |
M.E.Sisson (1994)
Sisson, William (Perf.) |
M.E.Sisson (1994)
Skelton, J. B. (Perf.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1957, J.B.Skelton)
Skelton, Mr. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1975, Skelton)
Skilbeck, Alison (Perf.) |
Nottingham Evening Post (1974a)
Skillington, Fred (Auth.) |
F.Skillington (2004/2005)
Smalley, Mr. (Inf.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1952, Smalley)
Smith, Adrian (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Smith, Agnes, Mrs. (Perf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1972, A.Smith)
Smith, Betty, Mrs. (Organiser) |
Newark Advertiser (1976d)
Smith, Debbie (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1980b)
Smith, H. J. (Auth.) |
H.J.Smith (1952)
Smith, Harold, Mr. (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Smith, J. N. (Perf.) |
Mansfield Chronicle & Advertiser (1980)
Smith, Jack N., Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Marshall)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - d)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1926, A.H.)
I.T.Jones Collection (1980, J.N.Smith - c)
Smith, Jack, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - d)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1980, J.N.Smith - c)
Smith, Jack, Mr. (Perf.) |
I.T.Jones (1981b)
Smith, K., Mr. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1972, K.Smith)
Smith, Ken (Perf.) |
Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1993a)
Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1994a)
Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994b)
Smith, Ken, Mr. (Perf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1971, M.Fox)
Smith, M. Georgina (Col.) |
P.S.Smith & M.G.Smith Collection (1975, Eastwood Community Association)
Smith, Michael (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Smith, Mrs. (Inf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
Smith, Paul S. (Col.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, D.M.Bates)
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, M.J.Stanton)
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, Wellington Inn)
P.S.Smith & M.G.Smith Collection (1975, Eastwood Community Association)
Smith, Paul, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, P.Smith - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, P.Smith - b)
Smith, Sharon (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1980b)
Smithson, G. A., Mr. (Perf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.F.Smithson - a)
Smithson, M. F., Miss (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.F.Smithson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.F.Smithson - b)
Snaith, T. (Perf.) |
M.W.Barley Collection (1953. P.M.Underwood - b)
Snaith, Tom (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1953)
Spencer, J., Rev. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.Spencer)
Spencer, John, Rev. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, C.Dowty - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.Spencer)
Spratley, Philip (Auth.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
P.Spratley (1977) pp.27-28
Stanley, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - c)
Stanley, T., Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Maskill)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - c)
Stanton, Michael J. (Inf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, M.J.Stanton)
Starr, Richard (Perf.) |
M.E.Sisson (1994)
Starr, Sam (Perf.) |
M.E.Sisson (1994)
Staunton, Frances, Miss (Organiser) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
Steemson, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones (1981b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Bernard Hill)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - c)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - f)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - d)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - e)
Stephenson, W. H. (Auth.) |
W.H.Stephenson (1884)
Stevens, R., Canon (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, R. Stevens - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, R.Stevens - b)
Stevens, Rupert, Canon (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, W.M.Baugh - b)
Stevenson, Peter J. (Col.) |
P.J.Stevenson Collection (1975, G.E.Hunt)
P.J.Stevenson Collection (1975, M.Hunt)
Stock, David (Perf.) |
P.T.Millington Collection (1991, G.S.Bennieston)
Stockdale, Bernard (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - b)
Stockdale, Bernard, Mr. (Inf.) |
R.A.Harris Collection (1960s, B.Stockdale)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale & L.Simpson)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, S.Ashmore & B.Stockdale)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale - b)
Stockdale, Bernard, Mr. (Perf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, S.Ashmore - c)
Storer, R. W. (Auth.) |
R.W.Storer (1975)
Storer, Ronald W. (Ed.) |
R.W.Storer (1983)
Storr, J. G. (Inf.) |
P.S.Smith Collection (1967, J.G.Storr & J.Sharrard)
Strawson, George (Defendant) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1983, I.T.Jones - d)
Strawson, George (Perf.) |
Lincolnshire Chronicle (1882)
Stringer, Alan (Perf.) |
J.Marsh (2002)
Stringer, Charley (Perf.) |
J.Marsh (2002)
Stroud, Roger (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Strutt, Babs (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - f)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt)
Strutt, Fred, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt & F.Strutt)
Strutt, Leslie, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt & F.Strutt)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt)
Stubb, Bob (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - c)
Stubbs, Archie (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1948b)
Nottingham Guardian (1948c)
Nottingham Guardian (1949a)
Nottingham Guardian (1949b)
Nottingham Journal (1948)
Nottingham Journal (1949a)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Stubbs, Neil (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1980a)
Stubbs, Stanley, Mr. (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1980a)
Surname Unknown, Charles, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Surname Unknown, George, Mr. (Inf.) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1982, George)
I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Survey of Language and Folklore (Col.) |
P.S.Smith Collection (1972, G.N.Gutteridge)
Sutton, Edward (Auth.) |
E.Sutton (1913)
Sutton, R., Rev. (Judge) |
I.T.Jones Collection (1881, T.B.Wright, R.Sutton & J.E.Cross)
Swain, Richard (Perf.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Swan, Timothy (Perf.) |
Newark Advertiser (1980a)
Swanborough, F., Mr. (Perf.) |
Nottingham Journal (1950b)
Swanborough, Fred (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1948b)
Nottingham Guardian (1948c)
Nottingham Guardian (1949a)
Nottingham Guardian (1949b)
Nottingham Guardian (1950b)
Nottingham Journal (1948)
Nottingham Journal (1949a)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Swanborough, Fred, Mr. (Perf.) |
Nottingham Guardian (1950a)
Swift, Eric (Col.) |
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26