Name Index - S

S., A. (Auth.) A.S. (1952)
S., H. J. (Auth.) H.J.S. (1937)
Sandys, William (Auth.) "Uncle Jan Treenoodle" (1846)
Saucimer, Guy, Sir (Protagonist) D.P.Blatherwick (1936)
Saundby, Mr. (Inf.) British Broadcasting Corporation Collection (1953, Robinson et al)
Scannell, E. M. S., Miss (Illus.) M.H.Mason (1877)
Scannell, Edith Maud Susanna, Miss (Illus.) M.H.Mason (1877)
Scollins, Richard (Auth.) R.Scollins & J.Titford (1977)
Scothorne, J. P., Capt. (Col.) S.Race Collection (1924, J.P.Scothorne)
Scothorne, J. P., Captain (Auth.) S.R. (1924)
Scott, Ethel Beatrice, Mrs. (Auth.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, E.B.Scott)
Scott, L., Mrs. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Scott)
Scott, Lilian, Mrs. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Scott)
Scott, Oswald Peter (Perf.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, O.P.Scott)
Scott, Oswald. P. (Auth.) O.P.Scott (1960/61)
Scriven, Caroline Mary (Auth.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, C.M.Scriven)
Sentence, Bill (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
Seward, Joe (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1949a)
Sewards, Joe (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1948b)
Nottingham Guardian (1948c)
Nottingham Guardian (1949b)
Nottingham Journal (1948)
Nottingham Journal (1949a)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Sewards, Joseph (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1950b)
Sewards, Joseph, Mr. (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1950a)
Sharp, Arthur (Auth.) A.Sharp (1956)
A.Sharp (1929)
A.Sharp (1936)
A.Sharp (1944)
Sharp, Cecil J., Mr. (Auth.) C.J.Sharp (1914)
Sharp, Edith, Mrs. (Auth.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1960, E.Sharp)
Sharpe, Frank (Perf.) Mansfield Chronicle & Advertiser (1980)
Sharrard, J. (Inf.) P.S.Smith Collection (1967, J.G.Storr & J.Sharrard)
Shaw, Colin, Mr. (Col.) Nottingham Guardian Journal (1954)
Shaw, D. A. (Artist) Nottinghamshire Federation of Women's Institutes (1989)
Shepherd, Marjorie, Miss (Col.) English Folk Dance & Song Society Collection (1950, M.Shepherd)
Shields, E., Mr. (Perf.) M.W.Barley Collection (1950, L.Butler - a)
Shipside, Tom (Auth.) T.Shipside (1956)
Shipside, Tom (Blacksmith) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, C.Dowty - b)
Shipsides, J. H., Mr. (Perf.) Nottinghamshire Local History Council Collection (1962, J.H.Shipsides)
Sides, John, Coun. (Attender) Nottingham Evening Post (1979 - a)
Simcox, Simon (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (2004a)
Trader Pictorial [Newark] (2004)
Simons, Clifford (Inf.) A.E.Green Collection (1966, C.Simons)
Simpson, Jaqueline (Auth.) J.Simpson (1981)
Simpson, Keith (Perf.) Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1993a)
Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1994a)
Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994a)
Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994b)
M.W.Holmes (1993)
P.T.Millington Collection (1972, K.Simpson)
Simpson, Keith, Mr. (Perf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1971, M.Fox)
Simpson, L., Miss (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - b)
Simpson, L., Miss (Intermediary) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale & L.Simpson)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - b)
Sisson, M. E. (Auth.) M.E.Sisson (1994)
Sisson, M. E., Miss (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1972, M.E.Sisson)
Sisson, Sonny (Perf.) M.E.Sisson (1994)
Sisson, William (Perf.) M.E.Sisson (1994)
Skelton, J. B. (Perf.) M.W.Barley Collection (1957, J.B.Skelton)
Skelton, Mr. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1975, Skelton)
Skilbeck, Alison (Perf.) Nottingham Evening Post (1974a)
Skillington, Fred (Auth.) F.Skillington (2004/2005)
Smalley, Mr. (Inf.) M.W.Barley Collection (1952, Smalley)
Smith, Adrian (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Smith, Agnes, Mrs. (Perf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1972, A.Smith)
Smith, Betty, Mrs. (Organiser) Newark Advertiser (1976d)
Smith, Debbie (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1980b)
Smith, H. J. (Auth.) H.J.Smith (1952)
Smith, Harold, Mr. (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Smith, J. N. (Perf.) Mansfield Chronicle & Advertiser (1980)
Smith, Jack N., Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Marshall)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - d)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1926, A.H.)
I.T.Jones Collection (1980, J.N.Smith - c)
Smith, Jack, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - d)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.N.Smith - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1980, J.N.Smith - c)
Smith, Jack, Mr. (Perf.) I.T.Jones (1981b)
Smith, K., Mr. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1972, K.Smith)
Smith, Ken (Perf.) Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1993a)
Eastwood & Kimberley Advertiser (1994a)
Evening Post [Nottingham] (1994b)
Smith, Ken, Mr. (Perf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1971, M.Fox)
Smith, M. Georgina (Col.) P.S.Smith & M.G.Smith Collection (1975, Eastwood Community Association)
Smith, Michael (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Smith, Mrs. (Inf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
Smith, Paul S. (Col.) P.T.Millington Collection (1973, D.M.Bates)
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, M.J.Stanton)
P.T.Millington Collection (1973, Wellington Inn)
P.S.Smith & M.G.Smith Collection (1975, Eastwood Community Association)
Smith, Paul, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, P.Smith - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, P.Smith - b)
Smith, Sharon (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1980b)
Smithson, G. A., Mr. (Perf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.F.Smithson - a)
Smithson, M. F., Miss (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.F.Smithson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, M.F.Smithson - b)
Snaith, T. (Perf.) M.W.Barley Collection (1953. P.M.Underwood - b)
Snaith, Tom (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1953)
Spencer, J., Rev. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.Spencer)
Spencer, John, Rev. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, C.Dowty - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, J.Spencer)
Spratley, Philip (Auth.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.1-8
P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
P.Spratley (1977) pp.27-28
Stanley, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - c)
Stanley, T., Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Maskill)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Stanley - c)
Stanton, Michael J. (Inf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1973, M.J.Stanton)
Starr, Richard (Perf.) M.E.Sisson (1994)
Starr, Sam (Perf.) M.E.Sisson (1994)
Staunton, Frances, Miss (Organiser) P.Spratley (1977) pp.9-17
Steemson, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones (1981b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Bernard Hill)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - c)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - f)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - d)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - e)
Stephenson, W. H. (Auth.) W.H.Stephenson (1884)
Stevens, R., Canon (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, R. Stevens - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, R.Stevens - b)
Stevens, Rupert, Canon (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, W.M.Baugh - b)
Stevenson, Peter J. (Col.) P.J.Stevenson Collection (1975, G.E.Hunt)
P.J.Stevenson Collection (1975, M.Hunt)
Stock, David (Perf.) P.T.Millington Collection (1991, G.S.Bennieston)
Stockdale, Bernard (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - b)
Stockdale, Bernard, Mr. (Inf.) R.A.Harris Collection (1960s, B.Stockdale)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale & L.Simpson)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, S.Ashmore & B.Stockdale)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Simpson - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale - a)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, B.Stockdale - b)
Stockdale, Bernard, Mr. (Perf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, S.Ashmore - c)
Storer, R. W. (Auth.) R.W.Storer (1975)
Storer, Ronald W. (Ed.) R.W.Storer (1983)
Storr, J. G. (Inf.) P.S.Smith Collection (1967, J.G.Storr & J.Sharrard)
Strawson, George (Defendant) I.T.Jones Collection (1983, I.T.Jones - d)
Strawson, George (Perf.) Lincolnshire Chronicle (1882)
Stringer, Alan (Perf.) J.Marsh (2002)
Stringer, Charley (Perf.) J.Marsh (2002)
Stroud, Roger (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Strutt, Babs (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - f)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt)
Strutt, Fred, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt & F.Strutt)
Strutt, Leslie, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt & F.Strutt)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, L.Strutt)
Stubb, Bob (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - b)
I.T.Jones Collection (1981, Steemson - c)
Stubbs, Archie (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1948b)
Nottingham Guardian (1948c)
Nottingham Guardian (1949a)
Nottingham Guardian (1949b)
Nottingham Journal (1948)
Nottingham Journal (1949a)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Stubbs, Neil (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1980a)
Stubbs, Stanley, Mr. (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1980a)
Surname Unknown, Charles, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Surname Unknown, George, Mr. (Inf.) I.T.Jones Collection (1982, George)
I.T.Jones Collection (1982, I.T.Jones & A.Cockburn)
Survey of Language and Folklore (Col.) P.S.Smith Collection (1972, G.N.Gutteridge)
Sutton, Edward (Auth.) E.Sutton (1913)
Sutton, R., Rev. (Judge) I.T.Jones Collection (1881, T.B.Wright, R.Sutton & J.E.Cross)
Swain, Richard (Perf.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26
Swan, Timothy (Perf.) Newark Advertiser (1980a)
Swanborough, F., Mr. (Perf.) Nottingham Journal (1950b)
Swanborough, Fred (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1948b)
Nottingham Guardian (1948c)
Nottingham Guardian (1949a)
Nottingham Guardian (1949b)
Nottingham Guardian (1950b)
Nottingham Journal (1948)
Nottingham Journal (1949a)
Nottingham Journal (1951a)
Swanborough, Fred, Mr. (Perf.) Nottingham Guardian (1950a)
Swift, Eric (Col.) P.Spratley (1977) pp.18-26